Essay Paper in Main Examination - Guidelines For Preparation

Preliminary exam can be referred to as preliminary hurdle. Once you cross this hurdle you have to cross the main hurdle of going through a series of papers in main examination. Out of which the essay paper is the one which we should have a eye on.

People who score in General studies and optionals are also failing to score in essay paper. Scoring in essay paper is possible only when you have a deep knowledge on the topic which is asked. Even though if you are good in the subject the clarity of writing, way of expression, presentation style and time management plays a key role in scoring marks in essay paper. So it is adviced for the aspirants and candidates to follow certain guidelines while preparing for essay.

Here you can find some useful information on how to prepare for essay paper,

* Preparation for essay should me made as a daily habit, instead of allotting a some fixed days for it. Prepare your timetable in such a way that you allot atleast 45 minutes for essay everyday.
* Have a note on hot topics which are making headlines, through this you can acquire knowledge for developing your essay.
* You are adviced to subscribe to monthly magazines like Competition Success Review which mainly focuses on competitive exams.
* Develop the habit of reading weekly magazines like India Today, Outlook etc., as they can showcase the news of the week totally and the articles from experts will be of high use.
* Editorial page in news papers can also guide you in your preparation as some merits and demerits on a topic are focussed here.
* Listen to debates in news channels like NDTV where you can see experts analysing a topic.
* Apart from grasping knowledge you should also improve your writing skill, have a regular habit of writing.
* Develop your vocabulary. Now a days lot of websites are offering free sms alerts. You can subscribe to vocabulary alerts in or google sms channel.
* Writing letters to editors can help you to increase knowledge as well as your writing skills.
* Apart from this there are also sites which organise regular essay contest, participate in this contest or you can access various essay's posted by aspirants.
* and are some sites which offer the above mentioned contests.
* Even you can participate in essay contest or access essay's in competition success review.

However participating in contests are adviced for student who aspire to become a civil servant and aspirants who are preparing in the mean time after preliminary exam need not waste time participating in contests.


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